11 days until Christmas!
Just a couple updates on my life:
1. Be sure you’re signed up to get some Daily Science Fiction! Even if only for a day. My story, Maker of the Twenty-first Moon, will appear tomorrow, December the 15th, making it my fictional debut. You don’t want to miss this historic occasion. I plan on baking a cake tonight to celebrate. Might seem arrogant, but all excuses are valid for cake.
2. The second semester of Animation Mentor is just about over! I’ll post my second semester reel later this week. The semester really flew by. While I think I definitely improved this semester, I know there are plenty of areas I definitely need to keep working on. This semester was quite challenging, but overall, I’m still very happy with Animation Mentor, and I’m looking forward to the third semester, starting next month.
3. I got this email in regards to one of my screenplay query letters (for The Melody Box):
Hi Sean,
Thanks for your intriguing query.
I’ve attached my bio/producing credits and can be reached in New York City at: [censored].
Let’s talk first.
At first, this got me all excited. I forgot the first rule of the artist’s creed: don’t get excited. After Googling the producer’s name a bit more, I found that he ran a script consulting service, and I’m sure that’s what he wanted to try to sell me on. Ugh! No thanks.
That said, I have been fortunate enough to get a few actual genuine requests for the screenplay, woohoo!
I guess that’s all I have for today…
Eric James Stone · December 15, 2010 at 2:42 AM
Congrats on your story. I enjoyed reading it.
S P Hannifin · December 16, 2010 at 12:18 AM
Thank you! It was an honor to be published among such fine work!