First of all, you might notice I added little picture of me in the corner there. I made that with a website called befunky.com. The site allows you to upload a picture and it tries making a cartoon out of it, though just how cartoony it looks is up to you. It’s not nearly as good as a real artist doing to work, but it’s fun to play around with. So that’s how I made my stylized picture up there. Doesn’t it look great?
Second of all, I just launched a new site. Do I really need yet another site? Yes. I started FreeDailyMelody.com, where I hope to release a new melody every day into public domain. I have hundreds saved up right now, so I have no worries content-wise, I just hope I can keep up the energy posting them. I hope it will be a good musical resource for someone out there; there’s no way I’d be able to use all the melodies I have saved up, yet I’d hate to see them go to waste. If nothing else, the site will serve as a nice public archive. And I’m releasing the melodies into public domain, so they’re really free for the taking.
Lastly, I finished composing that waltz this morning. Woohoo! First piece completed for my album!