I was looking through fantasy magazine submission guidelines this morning, and I came across mention of an editor who apparently just hated the use of the word “alright” instead of “all right” … technically “alright” is not alright. I’ve been using “alright” for quite a long time… why would an editor be picky about such a thing? It’s like being picky about how “okay” is spelled. Do you yourself ever come across the word “alright” in a published book and laugh about how unprofessional it must be?

In other news, someone out there put the Tad Williams book I was reading, Otherland, Volume I, on hold at the library, so I had to return it. That did not make me very happy, but this afternoon I ordered a cheap used copy from Amazon for about six dollars. In the meantime, while I’m waiting for that to come in the mail, I checked out another book from the library called The Accidental Time Machine by Joe Haldeman, who I’ve never read before. The title makes the story sound cliche, but the inside flap sounded interesting, so I guess I’ll just have to find out by reading it. Like Rollback, which I finished a couple weeks ago, it looks like a pretty short read with only 278 pages.

College classes have started up again, and I’m happy that it will be my last semester. I have my first class of an operating system course tomorrow I believe.

That’s all for today. Nothing interesting, you say? Well, what do you think this is, a tech blog or something? (I was going to say that tech blogs are boring or something, but I know too many fine people with tech blogs so I better not say it… they get a lot more hits than this lame journal blog anyway.)

Categories: Old posts


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