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Here’s what I’ve been up to…
Most of the month has been taken up by school work. 🙁
Music wise, I’m not sure what I’ll call the piece I’m working on, but it’s nice and orchestral and has many melodies.
Writing wise, I was working on a novellette or novella called Simmion’s Show, but school got busy and I’ve been slacking off on it.
Reading wise, I’m reading an excellent book by Ken Robinson called Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative. I posted a video featuring Ken Robinson here in my Stuff I Found blog. It’s always great to find people who agree with my opinions on the matters of education and creativity.
I should also mention, Twitter has been discouraging me from posting to this blog as it somewhat replaces the journal-like purpose of this blog, which is probably why I’ve been posting less. But the advantage of posting here is that I can go more in depth into whatever I’m blathering about, which may or may not be a good thing.
College classes end not this coming Monday, but the Monday following, and then, if I don’t fail anything, I’ll be done! Unfortunately there is still homework to be done, so I can’t quite bask in any glory any time soon.