After classes today I spent a few hours working on my latest piece of music, currently called “Hour by Hour” … I am almost finished with it, perhaps only a few more hours of work are needed. I am quite pleased with it and I look forward to adding it to the site when it is finished and polished. I think if you count all the original melodies that are in it, this piece may indeed have the most. I’m not sure how long it will end up being… right now it’s about six minutes.
I got those classical music CDs in the mail today, so I’ll have to listen to those when I get the chance… woohoo! I also got the full score to Holst’s Planets! A very kind and giving member of the Northern Sound Source forum mailed it to me after a little contest he posted on the forum. This score is awesome! Holst’s orchestration is brilliant, I can’t wait to study it more. Within the coming months I hope to perhaps render a demo of Venus or Mercury with GPO. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Last week my computer almost crashed when Windows wouldn’t start up. I finally got it working again, and quickly saved my important files (30 GB worth) onto my iPod. Isn’t it awesome that an iPod can be used like that? Good thing I’ve got the 80 GB model… it would be awesome if they came out with 120 GB model… I’d have to buy it… maybe… then again, it would probably be too expensive.
Anyway, I’m going to shut down my computer tonight and keep my fingers crossed that it will boot again tomorrow without any scary flaws… otherwise I’ll be quite in trouble (unless of course I can fix it the same way I did last time). So… good luck to myself I suppose.
Until tomorrow (I hope) …