
As tough as it is to write a novel and getting it published, how many published authors can lay honest claim to having a tweet published?

Working On My Novel is a short experimental book that collects a little over a hundred tweets of writers on Twitter who tweeted the phrase “working on my novel.”  One of my tweets was selected, so I received a contributor copy and am obviously I bit biased in the book’s favor.  Still, it’s interesting to see the various contexts in which people work on their novels, from the writers who are able to watch random TV shows while they write, to those excusing themselves from writing because they’re too busy or tired, to those who claim in one way or another that they will surely find success, though one can’t tell whether their tweets are written with honest hope or sarcastic despair.  But by the end of book, I actually found myself inspired to get working on my novel again.  (Not the same novel that my tweet in the book refers to, of course; I finished that one.)


Luke · September 26, 2014 at 10:33 AM

Hilarious! And the Amazon customer reviews are so… divisive…

S P Hannifin · September 29, 2014 at 10:05 PM

I can understand the negative reviews. The “nothing-special everyday-ness” of Twitter updates in general can seem inane enough on the web; why print a bunch in a book? But, to me, that’s the charm of it; that’s what attracted me to Twitter in the first place.

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