Here’s a short random update on what I hope to be working on this month:
Middle grade fantasy novel
I’m almost finished the first draft of my second attempt at a middle grade fantasy novel. I only have a few more chapters left to write. This month, I hope to finish this draft, edit it, write and perfect a good query letter to represent the novel, and once again begin an agent search.
Short stories
I am working on co-writing two short stories. I will probably also write some short stories on my own after I begin my agent search.
Nickelodeon’s animated shorts program
According to this post from Cartoon Brew:
[Nickelodeon] will choose a minimum of 10 pitches to develop into shorts that will appear on air, on, and the Nick app. The shorts also have the potential to be developed into full series…
I put together pitch material for an animated series proposal back in 2012. This looks like a great opportunity to put the material to good use. I somehow missed this program last year, probably because I was busy finishing my first fantasy novel (which never went anywhere, thus becoming my first “trunk novel”). So I hope to write and storyboard a potential animated short featuring my characters.