Made some decent progress this week and knocked out a few of the todo’s; here’s what the list looks like now:
Complete functionality of the sub-menuAllow attaching or inserting media (at least images) to notesSort / search notes by tagsCreate note with tags pre-filled (like adding a post to a category)Allow some js widgets in notes, at least checkboxes and timersAllow creation of new notes with bracket links (e.g. “[[]]”) as in MediaWiki (standard wiki feature)Open related notes by clicking on these bracket links (without opening a new page)Search and sort notes by content / data / date (only basic queries for now)- Create user login / registration system
- Create user stats page (notes created, storage space available, etc.)
- Collect user usage stats (for studying how users use the product)
- Overhaul / finalize designs, make responsive and usable on mobile
- Write Terms of Service, privacy, cookie use policies
- Offer subscriptions, launch!
Working on a simple user login / registration system now, so that should be done soon. After that, the last piece of actual functionality to add will be some sort of usage-data gathering system. The rest of the todo list mainly concerns design and content.
And it definitely needs some redesign because it looks very bad at the moment. I’ve been much more focused on coding functionality than finding visual appeal. Ultimately I want it to look as minimal, simple, and intuitive as possible, on both desktops and smartphones.
I will have to go back and polish some functionality though; I’ve been skipping over some of the finer details.
Anyway, I’m guessing it may only be two or three more weeks before the app is ready to debut!