We got The Sims 3
a few days ago, and it’s quite fun and addicting. I’ll probably waste lots of time playing it. My sister kept encouraging me to cheat and give my Sims millions of dollars, but I don’t want to cheat! I want to slowly build my Sims into millionaires through lots of hard work. I haven’t explored nearly all the possibilities of the game yet; my family is a small poor family in a little house with not much furniture. But someday, generations later perhaps, they’ll be filthy rich!
Also, I’m steadily MP3-izing my Mozart box set, Mozart Edition: Complete Works (170 CD Box Set). It takes a while, obviously, but it’s fun; it allows me to explore the CDs and go through them one by one, though I’m certainly not trying to listen to all of them quite yet. Right now I’m just listening to random tracks, and the works I know I enjoy. Unlike a huge collection of MP3s, having a tangible set of CDs is nice in that it allows you to really flip through the options, and perhaps get a sense of just how much music there is. Eh… hard to explain I guess. But I like the tangibility of it. Which is why I still like buying CDs in general, instead of just MP3s. Physical CDs are a lot more fun to collect and explore.
Oh well, who cares, that’s all for now… maybe I’ll go play The Sims 3 a little more before bed, eh?