Been a while again, eh? I submitted my short story, Oberon’s Paradise, to yet another publisher, this time online magazine Strange Horizons. They publish stories about once a week on their site free for anyone to read. The story’s been rejected three times so far, but it never hurts to keep trying. I’m also trying to get back into the habit of critiquing other people’s work through Critters, a free online writing workshop, and I’m hoping to put my newer short story, No One Was Abendsen, through the critique line.
I also finished another orchestral piece for my album which I call On the Edge of a Dream. So far my album is up to a bit over 20 minutes, so I’m about a third of the way there. One song that will be on the album, White Castle Waltz, is already available on iTunes and CD Baby. I must say, it’s pretty cool seeing one’s work on iTunes, even if they’re not really a selective distributor.
I finished reading Dan Ariely’s book Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions, and I have a few quotes from it to put up on my Book Quotes blog. It was a very good book, definitely worth a read if you’re interested in non-fiction.
I also finished reading a fantasy book by Kage Baker called The Anvil of the World
. It was a short book that came out in 2004, and I think it’s out of print now. I wanted to read a book by Kage Baker because I had read a few of her short stories and enjoyed her style. It was pretty light reading; the plot never got extremely thick or dark and the world never seemed very complex, but it was still engaging and believable and very humorous. Not a bad read at all.
I’m still reading The Lord of the Rings (50th Anniversary Edition), a nice all-in-one volume I got for Christmas, but now I’m also reading T. H. White’s The Once and Future King
, the book of the legend of King Arthur, which has definitely been enjoyable so far, especially since I already know how parts of the story go, and this book kind of fleshes things out.
And… I think that’s really all I have to blather about for now. Kinda boring, eh?