As I said last year, I hate to compare things I love. But for the sake of a more interesting blog post, I’m going to anyway. In real life, I don’t really like playing favorites, because different books and movies and stuff all have their own spirit, and are ultimately incomparable. But let’s disregard that for a few moments.
For books, the nominees are books I finished reading for the first time this year, regardless of their release date. Movies, TV shows, and film scores must be from 2011. (Books I only read a few chapters from are not qualified. Also, I actually only finished reading five books this year, and only one was fiction.)
Here we go… and Happy New Year!
Year’s best live-action film:
Year’s best animated film:
Year’s best TV show:
Year’s best film score:
Year’s best non-fiction book:
Year’s best fiction book:
Best whatever else:
Best game soundtrack:
Best podcast: