Last night (or early this morning I guess) I finally finished another short story! It came to about 6,100 words in length, though it’s still in rough draft form. I’m going to wait a week or two with it off my mind so I can come back to it with fresh eyes and try to do some editing… hopefully I won’t end up hating the story; I already think certain parts might seem far to too sappy.
The story is called Oberon’s Paradise. Here’s the opening, which pretty much shows what the story’s about:
“Oberon,” the large bearded man read from a scroll without looking up, “in order to pay for the destruction of the Marcelin Glass, which you caused with your carelessness and lack of consideration for other people’s feelings and a bunch of other bad attributes you have, you have chosen to accept, for the following three nights, a decade’s worth of the collected nightmares of all the residents of Brokenhill Fort, freeing us all for a decade of the burden of bad dreams. After your sentence has been carried out, you will be rewarded with permanent residence at Glanendale Palace. So let it be.”
“So let it be,” the gatherers echoed monotonously.
Hmmmm… is that engaging? Or… not?
What I’m thinking about doing is joining the Critters Workshop to get my story some serious critiques. I’d have to wait a while for the story to get through the queue, and I’d have to write some critiques myself for other people’s short stories, but that could be very helpful.
And then I’ll sell the story to a magazine, sell the rights to a film, and make a whole lot of money and never have to work again.